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The campaign has now ended for the local charity, Porchlight Counselling & Addiction Services. Thanks to you, we raised a total of $855.

A deep debt of gratitude to everyone who donated to this worthwhile cause,

​The Outreach Committee

Outreach Campaign  June, 2024

A big "THANKS" to the many people who donated to our June campaign for the Alzheimer Society raising $779.65.


With gratitude,

The Outreach Committee

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March 2024

A BIG THANK YOU for the overwhelming response to our latest Outreach campaign.  Together we raised $1,160 for Lisaard House and the wonderful work they do in our community.

With deepest gratitude,

The Saint Luke's Outreach Team

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A big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the many gifts of clothing and personal items for Saint Luke's Place, and food items for the Food Bank.  Thank you as well, for your monetary donations for the Food Bank which totalled $665.


During 2023, the Outreach campaigns supported Mission & Service, Turkey & Syria, The Bridges, Saint Luke's Place and the Cambridge Food Bank.  Because of you we were able to raise a total of $1,755 for these worthwhile charities.


With gratitude,

The Outreach Committee

Sending a big "THANK YOU!!" to all the people who supported our Mission & Service thanksgiving fundraiser, raising $715.  We are grateful for your support which enables Mission & Service to be there for us in times of need, both locally and globally.



Saint Luke's Outreach Committee

Oct 2023

NO ONE IN OUR COMMUNITY WILL BE HOMELESS: Vision for "The Bridges"  2023


Thanks to everyone who lived out our Mission, "Reaching out to others through Christ" and raised $445 for our local homeless shelter, The Bridges.

With gratitude,

SLUC Outreach Team


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"Bridge the Gap on Hunger" Fundraiser 2022

"The Bridges" is a Cambridge shelter whose mission is "To provide safe shelter and to offer programs and services in support of people dealing with life issues". The mission of Saint Luke's United Church is "to reach out to others through Christ". So each year Saint Luke's fundraises for "The Bridges" to provide food for their pantry and to show our support for the essential work that they do in our community.


With Gratitude,

the Saint Luke's Outreach Team

A big "Thank You" to everyone who so generously donated to the fundraiser for the victims of the Earthquakes in Turkey & Syria.  We raised $530!!

With gratitude,

The Outreach Committee

Saint Luke's Outreach Team News  December 2022


Thanks to everyone who contributed to our Advent fundraiser.  We raised $400 for Saint Luke's Place and $600 for Anishnabeg Outreach, along with a carload of personal products!


With gratitude,
Your Outreach Team

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Outreach M & S - News 2022

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our M & S fundraiser in September and October.  Your generosity helped us raise $545 for those in need around the world.


With appreciation for all you do,
The Saint Luke's Outreach Team

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The Outreach Team at Saint Luke's United Church would like to express its deep appreciation to everyone who donated to the United Church of Canada's Help Feed A Family" campaign.


We raised $825, which will provide 33 families with a warm nutritious meal.


Thank you for your kindness & generosity,

The Saint Luke's Outreach Team


Bridge the Gap on Hunger

The Saint Luke's Outreach Team would like to express their heartfelt "Thanks" to everyone who donated to the Fundraiser, "Bridge the Gap on Hunger". The Fundraiser has now ended, the donations have been tallied and we're pleased to announce that we raised $1,055 for the "Bridges Cambridge Shelter".


We informed the Bridges of the amount that Saint Luke's raised for them and they wanted us to express their sincere gratitude to the congregation for your generosity. 


Great work following the teachings shown in Hebrews 13:16. "Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that please God".  There is no doubt that God is very pleased this day.


Thank you for all you do.

The Outreach Team of Saint Luke's United Church.

Life-Line to Lebanon Fundraiser:  The families in Lebanon would like to extend their heart-felt thanks to the congregants of Saint Luke's and Trillium for your overwhelming support during this anxious  time.


The fundraiser raised $3,435 from EACH congregation, enough to provide 2 families with food for one year, plus airfare for one set of parents to come to Canada and leave the immense destruction behind.  Thank you for all that you do for others.


The Saint Luke's Christmas Fundraiser is supporting Mission & Service:   Imagine families living in a refugee camp with minimal rights to work, or own property.  Imagine their desperation, seeing no end to the cycle of poverty and violence that is their lives.  Mission & Service is there to help change that.


When the worst disasters threaten the most vulnerable, such as when Beirut was devastated by the tragic explosion in August, Mission & Service was there. With the guidance of their partners on site, they are able to respond quickly to crises around the world, helping their partners bring food, shelter, health and sanitation to people who have lost so much.


Thank you,

Your Outreach Team


The Outreach Committee is a caring group of people who help in both our local community and internationally. Through our Helping Hands Fund, those in our congregation or local community in need are provided with support in times of strife. If you know someone who could benefit from a helping hand, let us know.


In addition to the Helping Hands Fund, the Outreach Committee supports the Bridges Homeless Shelter by organizing and executing a ham and scalloped potato dinner. If you or someone you know would like to help out or make a donation, let us know.


The Cambridge Food Bank is also supported by the Outreach Committee. The committee holds weekly food drives, spring and fall food drives, and a White Gift Service at Christmas. 


Together United Churches across Canada accomplish three goals: save lives, inspire purpose, and build a better world.  You can donate, as you are able, by cheque made out to Saint Luke's United Church, or an e-transfer to  Either way, add a message that your donation is for the Mission & Service Fundraiser.


The committee warmly welcomes any new members or ideas.


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